"Products -> Truma -> Osteotomy"


Pole Salamate Iranian
Pole Salamate Iranian

It is an external fixator that is use for High Tibial Osteotomy surgery. It is composed of Titanium, Stainless Steel Aluminum and Carbon Fiber materials. There are 120,140,160 Carbon Fiber Arc options.
The High Tibial Osteotomy application from the proximal of the Tibia achieve the natural position of the mechanical axis and stops the gonoarthrosis process or slows it down .
HTO (High Tibia Osteotomy) application can be accomplished from lateral as closed wedge, from medial open wedge or as dome osteotomies.
OWO _ FIX have important Advantages ,gradual corrections can be done during surgery , the patient can be mobilized by full weight bearing the day after the surgery and if necessary the correction can be changed after surgery in an early term. After the fixation of the Fixator system the Osteotomy can be done. Without doing a huge cut, a skin of 3-4 cm is done then Osteotomy is applied minimal invasively.
The uncontrolled breakage of the osteotomy line is prevented even if the breakage is achieved, because of the system stability, it allows early bearing. It has a sliding block at the proximal arc on which 4 pieces of 5 mm diameter Schanz can be send. There is a guide that directs to the fibula head to position the fixator and an apparatus to collimate the fixator.

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